Friday, April 12, 2013

Holiday with Fun Thinkers

After 2 months playing with Fun Thinkers, my daughter seems to be attached with me all the times. She constantly ask me to play "one two three" aka Fun Thinkers. The progression so far, she could memorized #1 to 16 as what avail in the Fun Thinkers' tiles. If it were until #20, probably she could manage to keep it in mind..Her favourite part are the English & Math level 1....counting 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9...opp...she always skip the #8, as it is ok, as she would learn from the mistakes with wife and myself brought her to Kuching and the Fun Thinkers set(level 1) is in her suite case,....playing it in front of her 2nd cousins - while her cousin wondering what is that?...seems lots of Fun!

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