Thursday, July 25, 2013

Similarity - how to put books into game mode(Funthinkers)

Let me show you the similarity on what Funthinkers and the 4 years syllabus to offer from my daughter's nusery :-

She have done perfectly on the alphabet matching as it was a repeating games in Funthinkers(Upper-case letters)

For shapes, with teaches the shapes of Triangle, Circle, Square and Rectangular...well 10 marks

On this picture, it shows ho to identify on Family.....she got the idea from Magic English's DVD below:-

Here are some snapshots I got from Magic English Vol. 2(Family)

Big and Little from Funthinkers give her a clear idea to identify on her exam.

So right now, as she have memorized the alphabets, I am going to teach her to read without phonic...once she could match picture 1 with S-H-O-E-S.....then will start with phonic time....

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